6.975. Waiver Wednesday — Cuts Edition

I think the Giants have a legitimate shot to be a good football team this year. Everyone is talking about the Eagles, and rightfully so. They’ve put together a squad that should win the NFC east, but that won’t happen with the starter. It could happen with the backup, but they’ve designed an offense around a player who simply doesn’t make enough good choices under pressure. I believe in Minshew, and that is terrifying to think. If he’s that guy, then the G-men need to get in by wildcard. The G-men simply aren’t that good yet.

How about them Cowboys, you ask? Under the new offensive regime they’ve lost all semblance of a dominant run game. Cowboys are Packers lite, and that isn’t enough. I won’t even get into the mess that is the Commanders. They don’t deserve that much attention. Who does? Probably Miami. That team is the most unpredictable in the league. If Tua is the guy they say, they have a better chance of coming out the AFC east than the Bills, though safe money says both teams make it. I’m counting out the Patriots, because they aren’t the same offense as a year ago. They need more than the ground game. Only the Titans and the Ravens can be that one dimensional.

Speaking of the Ravens, I’m here thinking the Giants may get Lamar. If Baltimore doesn’t pay, this man ought to slide up the coast a bit. We need to shed considerably more salary to pay him, but we need to do that anyway. G-men are -4+ million in the hole. That Golladay guy is 14.7 in dead money if they cut him after the season. 35 if they cut him now. So, basically unless G-men can figure out a restructured deal, there is no chance to get players until that bust is bussed out the door.

Sigh. Welcome to football season.

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