6.976. Reflections on a Thursday Night

Nothing coherent here. Worked hard today, so I’ll drop in lightly with ….

Some Thoughts:

  1. Began the office tear down in preparation for the combination of houses. Really good to be doing this with my partner. Honestly, the space is more cozy now than it was before.
  2. Let’s see if I can get ten of these off tonight–more or less one per minute ought to be the speed required to make that a reality, nes pas?
  3. I’m speaking french(ish) because I am ready to go to France. I’ve never been but I think it is long past time we get out of the country for real and do legitimate explorations of the world. Yes, I’ll be writing there too. Yes I’ll be featuring a book there if I go there, because why the heck not? I want to be able to go everywhere and write about it and learn about it and experience this lovely blue planet firsthand. Not many people explore far beyond their states let alone their nation.
  4. No, Mexico for spring break doesn’t count. Neither does Vegas. The places people go under those circumstances aren’t even real. They are fabrications drummed up by people with money and an ambition to create a space of debauchery.
  5. You bet your ass I’m jealous. I’d love to be fantastically wealthy or even mildly rich. I’d do good with the money. I’d help people. Right now I live well enough to avoid drowning in debt all too often. I’m reaching for that life preserver right now though.
  6. Yep, I’m definitely slowing down.
  7. That one was just to keep me on track.
  8. So was that one. Seriously, the time it takes me to write sentences varies extremely. I can vacillate between 140 wpm to 7. It is 100% about where my mental energy level is. Right now it is under half full. Lower than my gas tank even.
  9. Football note: Giants released Blake Martinez, the toughest defender on the team. It was a mutual parting of the ways. He isn’t the right fit for Martindale’s defense or for the influx of new players. This team belongs to Julian Love and Xavier McKinney now.
  10. In spite of all that, the Giants are still woefully over the cap. They need to find a trade partner for Golladay. Don’t quite now how unless they can convince San Fran to bite.
  11. I always leave the last one blank.

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