6.988. The Storm

Here is a peculiar truth about real estate: It attracts the worst kind of people. From renting to owning, the people on the side of buying and renting are generally awful humans. I am speaking on the investors–purveyors of human misery and those who can reduce a person to a series of numbers. I tried to sell my house to an investor and they played the old wait and drop game on me. Wait till the closing date, demand I sell for less. I lost 35,000 in potential revenue before I decided enough was enough and quit. I presently am aiming to sell the house through more traditional means and I hope it goes better. It does mean I have to ‘tee it up’ as the realtor says. That means I need to make it look a thousand times better than it does right now only to have it be nit picked to hell and the buyer try to talk me down again.

I am not going to make half of what I expected. I do have a number I am comfortable with from a profit standpoint, and if I cannot get there I am going to sit on it and wait until I can make some real money. In the meanwhile, maybe I can rent it out to someone who needs a home. I’m good with that part of it, at least. It is a pretty nice home and it will sell for a decent profit sooner or later. I wanted it sooner so I could travel and do some special things for my partner and the kids. That isn’t a realistic plan anymore, so right now I’m trying to figure a way to simply survive the disappointment of a failed sale.

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