6.987. The Lull

I am extremely stressed out. I’m in the midsts of moving out of the house and while the sale is supposed to close on Wednesday, the people I am selling to are giving me the runaround. This is why you use your real estate agent. The peace of mind is worth the cost of the agent. I’d tell Lamar Jackson the same, but he is a different type of commodity. He will certainly get his regardless. Meanwhile, I am stressed, I have 10,000 words due in 30 days, and I have yet to dig into the new opportunities presented to me. Oh, I’m also supposed to be in plotting for the novel. Yeah. Oh, there is school stuff too–only an issue because I cannot access canvas on the computer I am using right now.

Yesterday I stressed enjoying life and living in the moments because they are all you get. I’m not doing a very fine job of that myself. I will finish moving tomorrow. I will make a moment of it. I will enjoy it both alone and with my partner, because it is about us as much or more than it is about me. She gets a new space out of it. The kids get a new space out of it. I get a peace of mind out of it and that is worth the stress of the entire thing.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Hoping to cross the finish line with the move here in a few days. If it doesn’t go well, I still have my realtor and he will get us something.
  2. Geno Smith is having the game of his career right now. Russell Wilson is not.
  3. Happiness is transitory. It has to be in order to hold its value.
  4. Five hours left of D.O.D.O…. almost through it…

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