6.986. Reflections on a Sunday Afternoon

  1. Giants are back! The win vs. The Titans was in line with my predictions, but let’s be honest: I always think they have a chance. It wasn’t until saw Barkley back at strength that I knew we had a season cooking. Still belongs to the Eagles tho. It’s going to be tough to stop them out of the east.
  2. I am worn down and a bit peeved about the home sale. What law says you have to have the house empty and clean–especially if you get screwed out of 35K of the asking price?
  3. Madden is fun. I’m not very good tho.
  4. I like the word tho as an abbreviation of though. It feels chill to me.
  5. Haven’t been working out at all and that shows. I’m fat and old and it is likely killing me. I need the gym more than cake. That being said, I bought pie.
  6. Will I die well off? I don’t know. I hope I leave this life in a moment of having money–not to have it but to be happy in living and able to do things I want to do.
  7. All this death talk is a sad reminder that life is temporary. Enjoy what you have while you have it. Don’t waste it on anger and despair and being mad because things are not the way you want them. Find happiness in what is and what you can make happen.

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