6.694. Monday’s are a Fresh Start

You have to believe it. You have to allow yourself to believe it. A new week is a new opportunity to get your shit together. If it isn’t then a new week is merely the extension of the bad shit that dogged you last week. That is not a very healthy way to roll into Monday morning. You have an opportunity to excel today. You have every ability to grab control of your life and, no matter your situation, make one choice that is better for you today.

My choice is planning.

I am, by nature, a bad planner. While I attempt at planning it never sticks. This is what holds me back from any true leadership or exceptional (by public standards) parenting. If I’m being honest, it makes me a shit partner as well, because she is constantly left to plan everything because I cannot (for the life of me) get my shit together. That last part is the truth I evade constantly. If I could just take a step forward in getting my shit together I would be infinitely better as a partner. So, you can see why my choice is planning.

What is a small step you can take to move forward? For me I’ve gone through dozens of iterations of how to get it right, and the ‘coolest’ is to get a nice daily journal and write down everything for the day in that journal. I’ve spent a wealth on journals with specific lines and structures to tell me how to plan out my day, but do I really need all that? In truth, I need a list. I need to know: This is what I need to handle today. This is the way these things are prioritized. Then I go from there. So, my plan is to use one of my many many empty journals as my new daily planner. They are small enough to be portable and efficient to the task. They are also quite pretty, and that appeals to me as well.

Being comfortable in carrying that journal, I will write down my list of priorities, rank them, and execute with extreme determination. This is indeed The Way.

Find your Way.

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