
I’m going to be brief in the intro. A lot transpires on a Tuesday–namely because I am out the door before the sun. Often I’m done teaching before noon and deep into grading by one. Here and now I’ve chosen to pause and get some of the very important stuff handled. Stuff like blogging my ten. However, I don’t have a single deep or meaningful thought. I do have…

Some Thoughts:

  1. Relatively lost my mind today when I discovered that the class I busted my butt to bring to the campus was being taught by a random person and not me. My conspiracy-hacked brain assumed malicious intent and I started asking questions. My partner forced me into cool down upon which I discovered that there was not malicious intent and I am a overheated dummy.
  2. All of that is to say that I am dealing with a stress level beyond that with which I am comfortable. I am no fan of the condition. Not at all. I need the woosaaa treatment quickly. I need to refocus on the things that matter and realize that this isn’t all a house of cards. I have spent equal time generating and feeding into negativity and this must end.
  3. Listing helps. Personal diary rants help. What helps most of all is having a plan with which to move forward. I am working on that at every level. Patience is key, and nobody who matters in the main arenas of what is to be is patient anymore, so that heaps more stress on me.
  4. At least the Giants are winning.
  5. I recognize more each day how major a role football plays in my existence.
  6. I recognize more each day how many more healthy days I’ve lived than I have left to live if I don’t get my pre-diabetic ass back in the gym.
  7. The problem is I want all the issues of the personal sphere solved today. I lack the patience for the journey.
  8. I ought to just kick back and write more stories…
  9. Yes, that.

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