6.698. Your History to Theirs

History is supposed to be the great teacher. We are meant to learn from our trials and mistakes and those of the others who came before us. We stand on the backs of giants, so to speak. However, we often ignore history or relegate it to a ‘different time and condition’ preferring to think that our situation doesn’t have the same hallmarks of human nature that theirs did. Each time I speak with my son about football, I feel that. Without vocalizing it, his drop in effort and attitude shows me that he intends to quit this team–if he hasn’t done so already in his heart. On the eve of his homecoming game he is more concerned about not being the starter and thus reduced playing time than he is about the condition that got him there. He has decided that the coach likes another player better than him, despite his being ‘the better player’. Thus he feels like he isn’t getting a fair chance, however circumstances say that he is getting a fair chance and his attitude is what is dragging him to the bottom of the pack.

There are 4 cornerbacks on the varsity squad who will play. My son used to be #1. He’s fallen to #4 very quickly. He feels like 1 and 2 are coach favorites. That’s fine. ‘Why aren’t you 3?’ I ask, but he has no answer. I see the answer in his face. He isn’t putting in the effort that he claims he is. He is giving up on himself they way I gave up on myself who I was in college. So, maybe it is time I tell him that story. Maybe he calls me a old head and rails about how different it is. Maybe he realizes that the owness is on him, finally.

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