6.699. Reflections on a Saturday Morning

Thich Nhat Hang writes, “Hope is important, because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.” I find truth in his words, but I also find several questions. What happens in the absence of hope? Why can’t we make today better? These are fundamental questions to my life. I am a man who carries a lot inside. Eventually it spills on to the page in some manner. If it does not then it chokes me until I become less of who I am–I burn away more of that connection to what makes me a person. I have struggled lately with watching myself erode and not taking care of myself or even thinking to create conditions that will make me better equipped to bear hardship. Instead I eat it all.

Then I vomit it all out all over my partner.

That makes me a bad person more times than not. So, I need to find a better way. I need to treat the people around me better. I need to deal with my shit better, and I need to embrace this idea of hope in a realistic way.

There are so many good things in my life–my partner, my writing, my kids, not being homeless, the freedom to vacation, a job I truly enjoy. Those alone constitute a life worth bearing the the hard times for. Each alone is enough to create a life around. I need to be thankful for who I am and more importantly, who I have around me–and who they have around themas opposed to spending so much time worrying about who is thankful for me.

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