6.706. Freedom Friday

Rarely do I have a Friday where next to nothing is going on. This is a huge opportunity–to have such a day, as it indicates my life has hit a point where everything isn’t so batshit crazy that I can step back and breathe a sigh of relief. Of course this is an illusion. What I am doing is not listing and not focusing in on the things that need to be done. This too is part of a freedom Friday. you are allowed to forget that which you wish you could forget.

I wish I could forget being sick, because… damn.

I am looking forward to honing in on my writing in the next few weeks, because I have hit that sweet spot where school isn’t dragging me. It lasts for a few months in this fashion before I am dragged again. One side note on that being the small mountain of school business I’m conveniently pushing to next semester.

The pushing ought to stop. I gotta get a bunch of things in order so I can find some lasting peace and balance.

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