6.711. Waiver Thursday

I’m in a bit of trouble right now. In one league my team remains the highest scoring team in the league but sits at 2-2 and presently out of the playoffs. In another I can see the end nigh. I’m 3-1 but the top team is so far beyond my average ppg that I have no chance of beating them this week… or any week. The need exists, unless I can stay locked into second and, as a result, get second in the league overall having avoided them until the championships. In the final league–the family league–I am undefeated. Yet I fear the streak will inevitably end. I have holes. I have holes at TE and WR. I am working to address the holes, but dang it if I’m not too nervous to trade one of these backs away.

The Giants and I have a lot in common. We are both punching above our weight and we are both headed into legitimate matches this week. Hopefully we both come out on top. I plan to be up bright and early to enjoy my Gints locking up the Pack. Odds are there will be some Wrs open. Odds are the entire defensive gameplay is STOP Saquon. Fortunately that hasn’t worked for anyone yet. Hopefully it doesn’t work on Sunday in London.

Some Thoughts

  1. Stop reading reviews before you see the film. Think for yourself! yes, they may be hard to ignore, but they will taint the experience for you. They will…

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