
Been experiencing a deluge of internet problems that only point more and more towards the gremlins being back. I don’t want them to be back, but it isn’t really my call, is it? Perhaps my present state of mind on the situation is driven more by a lost novel than anything else. A few years back (2018-19) I was writing a novel about a young shadowrunner being recruited into the Smoker’s Club. I wrote quite a bit of that novel and then lost it. 

The situation stemmed from me spilling champagne on the computer. Or perhaps it was the time it got ran over by a car. It was definitely one of those two. Or maybe it was lost on a specific computer that I couldn’t get to turn on again.. four years and I’ve yet to discover where that novel went. Only recently have I located the chapter outline, which only reminds me more of how much I lost.

It goes to show you: reality doesn’t care what you think it is. It simply is.

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