
Blogging first thing in the morning is good–unless you wake up cranky, which immediately makes that morning blog bad. However, I started the thing, so here we go.

I’ve been thinking about three key aspects of this brief human life: State of mind, physical health, and mental health/outlook. The three are tied together. State of mind may be key in all of them. I woke up today with an extremely negative outlook. I expected my partner to be sullen and distant. I expected that there would be a modicum of work that needed to get done. I expected the kids to be groggy, distant, and generally dissatisfied. I expected that my real estate situation would remain in a strained limbo. All of these expectations built upon a limited night of rest, which built upon a day in which my brief moments of joy were tempered by what was, essentially, a horrible day.

I did not expect knee pain.

So, when I woke up in pain and already teetering on the edge of a bad mood, the pain thrust me over that edge and I began rolling towards where we are now, which is a man waiting for more shoes to drop, more stones to be cast, and more clouds with a likelihood of meatballs.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Lost in all of this desperate sadness is the fact that I located my missing novel! So, I can get back to cleaning that up and putting it out in the world.
  2. Also lost is the fact that I am very close to knowing the plot for the new one.

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