6.719. On a Friday

I ought to be freewriting. I ought to be working on the short story that’s come due. I ought to be doing a lot of things I haven’t had quite the oomph to handle over the last few weeks. I’ll be getting to those and more over the next few weeks. My mind is very slowly cycling back to function and with that I ought to be able to churn out some decent fiction.


Some Thoughts:

  1. What, were you expecting more? Well, I did say cycling back as in an action being undertaken.
  2. Moving is another action slowly being undertaken. I’m hoping to get it all handled this weekend. I’m truly tired of things being as they are. This also entails taking another shot at getting the internet service right… Sigh.
  3. In the meanwhile my mind swirls at the possibility of actually being settled and not entirely stressed out. There is only so much stress a person can take before they go right off the rails. I’ve had my share.

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