
Holiday season is approaching. It makes me happy to see it arrive, though I am not quite ready for the relaxation and joy of the season. Too much on the mind lately. Too much about work. Too much about life. I ought to be shifting back to writing being in the top two and I will, but it is still taking time to get there. I am trying and it will happen–the flood will come. Until then…

Some Thoughts:

  1. Yet another day of not publishing the blog. I hate turning on the computer and seeing it there unpublished.
  2. Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power is enjoyable. Good world building.
  3. I am going to need to dive back into Emil Torath, because that is a story I want to tell before I pass from this reality. It is also (perhaps more so) a story I want to know.
  4. Picked up a book on fantasy and science fiction by Orson Scott Card. He’s a good one. He does a solid job of building a world into and out of a single story. He clearly has a lot to work from in terms of the Mormon faith he learned early on. I am presently studying religions in order to see how we all think as a species in need of a savior and a purpose.
  5. Before all that, I get to watch the Giants play tomorrow. Totally primed to see what happens, and I will be okay with any outcome save a Ravens blowout.
  6. Truth be told, I’m excited about seeing the upcoming weeks of football, which will feature a live game for me! I haven’t seen the Giants live in nearly a decade.
  7. Speaking of live and alive. Tua might not be for long if he starts week 7 like he is slated to… Meanwhile Bridgewater isn’t even starting week 6. That tells me all I need to know about how coach feels about that guy. Imagine if Tua were cleared? You know he’d be right in there. Bridgewater isn’t trusted or lacks the set of skills needed for that offense. The rookie? Not sure he’s very good.

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