6.723. Reflections on a Tuesday Morning

I’ve been somewhat of a mess over the past few weeks–dragging out the words until the blogs look more like blurbs or tweets that barely satisfy my ten minute rule. I try to remain faithful to the heart of the thing, but the reality of my jittery brain is that I don’t have a lot in the tank. Too much stress.

I am in the final stages of selling my house to a wholesaler. I don’t recommend it. I got into the situation out of a desire to get the process done quickly and at a price that afforded me an opportunity to both clear my debt and to make a little bit of money for myself that I could set aside as a nest egg for investing in land or whatever at a later date. The process did not go as I planned it. I was repeatedly screwed over and watched my profits dwindle at a horrific rate all the while feeling the pressure of the move building. Now I am at the point where it is happening today, I’m not certain I have (or can) gotten everything out of the house, and the integration of the house cat into the new house is going as poorly as possible.

Let’s not forget that after all of the financial wrangling, the nest egg I set aside for myself is only going to be $900. It is not ideal or rewarding in the least, and the stress has made the entire affair feel like work when I meant it to be a joy. I am fully integrating with my partner and that is wonderful, but the process has left me adrift and drained.

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