
Time away from the distractions of games and the lifestyle of gaming that exists in my daily home is good. It allows me to see and think about a life that isn’t that chunky soup of sadness. I think it is important to have things going on in life vs. merely at work or that decadence of only having the next gaming session to worry over.

I am in a place where the culture is work. The conversation is work. The lifestyle is work. In this place, on this farm, we think about the daily chores as a way of life and we revel in them and in the calm that is associated with that work. Hobbies, if you can call them that, are building and creating. We’re building another house here, and that is the hobby. We’re shifting wood to be able to have a fire tonight and that sitting by the fire is a moment in time we look forward to creating.

As I take a time out from that to write the blog and to consider the writing I’m to be doing, I am thankful for the opportunity to experience this. It is not like this at home. It is difficult to develop a culture that is only you and your partner, despite the 4 others living there and sinking into their own contrasting culture. In truth, I live between the two cultures, which creates a reality where my calm-driven partner feels alone quite a bit of the time.

I feel whelmed here. I feel overwhelmed at home to the point that I shuck off my responsibility in favor of games. I think there is a greater truth in this that I’ve yet to unlock.

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