6.730. Reflections on a Tuesday Night

Tune in tomorrow for Waiver Wednesday when I’ll brag a bit about winning and talk a bit more about how I hope to secure a good playoff spot. Today’s talk is focused again on the idea of place, purpose, and passion. As I continue to spend time in these woods I am finding myself in a space in which I am not entirely focused on games, but am making time for all of what matters in my life. This is the simplicity and hard working existence my partner craves and I have actively shunned for quite some time. I’m enjoying every moment of it, and even finding ways to settle in and strike a balance of what I do. Heck, I’ve even put in some time on games–couple of hours on Clash Royale to be sure. It all has me thinking about what life is and should look like when I get back to the desert and that vapid routine of existence.

I need to decide how much time to devote to things. I struggle with stillness at home, because there is so much available to do. I can always be gaming, so instead of stillness I default to that, or to listening to a book, or cleaning up after the kids, or writing, or working. There’s less to do here but doing it fills more hours . That is worth considering.

Above all else I need to establish a locked-in daily routine that provides space for variance in terms of when it starts and ends. Having routine things to do each day settles me, and forces me to reflect on life in a way I don’t often lean into. I have a few more days to figure out what that looks like.

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