6.737. Nano

I don’t plan on doing nanowrimo this year. Thinking back to the year prior, I started something I never finished, and I never hit the 50K mark like I was supposed to. My students have been touting the legend of their friend who is nominated for a national book award for her last year’s nano novel. That’s pretty solid stuff right there. Surfing her website I found that she hasn’t published a ton of work, and it is a wonderful reminder that if you write the right book at the right time, you’ll be solid for life.

I’m not solid for life, but I know I need to keep hacking away at the keys to get my story(s) out there for the world and maybe someone will like them enough to read em. That’s pretty much all a writer needs in the end. The roof over the head is nice too though.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Wildly exhausted.

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