6.736. Blog after Planes

I’m done with planes for a while. Not too long–I’m far from being done traveling in 2022.

I’m dedicating the next few weeks to getting right. I have a ton of work and other situations to handle and get straight, so that is where my mind is at. I want to be at a place where the writing is getting handled on a natural schedule, and I want to get back to feeling good about my body and how I treat it. I suppose how I treat me and the ones I love is the biggest thing I am thinking about now–how I treat my mind, body, soul, and partner. How I treat my kids and neighbors matters as does how I respect my job. these are the things on my mind as I roll into the end stage of 2022 and begin to think about 2023 and what that means to me.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Giants game was fantastic in spite of the Loss.
  2. I might be a Seahawks fan based on the way they treat the fanbase.

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