6.735. Blog from a Plane

I’ve spent a lot of time on planes over the past week. This is my second flight in as many days and I’ll be back on another tomorrow. Such is the life I’ve started to live. The life my partner and I want to be engaged in is one of exploration and discovery. Truthfully, it is the sort of life I think I always wanted. I want to go everywhere and then take the kids to the best places – and even some of the not so great ones as a way to show them the world is theirs as much as it is ours. I’m sure this is the best way to take advantage of what I am calling American wealth. 

American debt isn’t so far in the rear view that I cannot see it. It haunts me daily, and I know there are still bills to pay and work that needs doing in order to effectively continue this new lifestyle. In fact, once I end this blog I’ll be shelling out the appropriate funds to get the internet connection to not only post this blog from a plane, but to plan and post the online classes that need to be refreshed by tomorrow. 

This is the way.

I’ve said that a lot lately; each time a signpost of what I am doing right or wrong. This path is what I am choosing to see and use as the way forward in what remains of this beautiful life. 

Some Thoughts:

  1. Travelling with the boy to see the Giants take on the Seahawks. Hoping for a G-win. 
  2. Yes, I’m that corny.
  3. What do you do in a city when you only have one day to sort out the place?

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