6.734. Mindfulness and finding the future

I’ve been giving a bit of thought to picking up some land in Tennessee to go alongside the new family’s plot. Could I, a black man of a certain age, live in the backwoods of Tennessee? Yeah, so long as I keep to my own land and don’t try to rustle up too much trouble. Gotta stay humble in places like this which are so homogenous.

But do I want to own land here? I want to own land and have something to pass down to the kids one day. I want to own a bit of land I actually want to be on. I like the idea of adding acres to the existing property because of the history here and the ability to grow some of that myself.

Some Thoughts:

  1. We will be missing half the boys this Thanksgiving, and given the mounting injuries, it might be for the best. No Turkey Bowl.
  2. Gotta think about the fact that both boys who’ve gone through HS football developed knee injuries. Third one is starting next year. He’s built a bit different, but not all that different.
  3. Giants @ Seahawks tomorrow. Excited to go to my first Giants game.

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