
Welcome to Thursday. It is early enough that the sun has yet to crease the sky. I’m awake because, well, because I am old or I’ve trained myself to the task of waking up at 4AM each day without any real want or need to do so at the moment. Going to bed before 9PM is certainly a part of that, as is the massive amount of coast to coast travel I’ve been doing (and plan to do more of moving forward). Nevertheless, I am here and awake and trying to find anything constructive to say as I rouse this weary brain.

I’m expecting today to be a good one. I plan to see Black Adam, and teach a class. That’s the morning. The evening is one for chilling with my love and staying relaxed as I roll into the weekend. Sometimes life is just chill.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Again, I don’t want to RANT about Josh McDaniels, but I do want to point out that some people are very good at certain things and not so good at others. McDaniels is a wonderful Offensive Coordinator. That is not the same skillset as a head coach. You need a different set of talents to be able to bring the entire thing together, and his record reflects that he isn’t the guy for the job. Joe Judge too was not the guy for the job. Be good at what you’re good at. Try what you aren’t good at. Once you know where your niche is, apply it.
  2. Speaking of leadership, I’m facing an interesting slate of candidates in my own collegiate division chair election. The two present very different skillsets and I have to ask, which is going to help me achieve my goals?

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