
This has been a very long week and year. So much has happened over the last few months that I am still sort of trying to collect myself and figure out what is heads and what is tails. I took today off almost entirely. Beyond some (overly drawn out) paperwork, all I did was chill and play games. Some video games, some card games. I needed the downtime. Tomorrow I am back to being a writer in full, and putting in those tough hours to get the words the way the ought to be.

I’ve been sending myself emails about stories and about world building, because I know I have stories stored up that need to get out. I also know that I have a serious lazy streak ready to kick in at any possible moment, so I gotta keep these ideas flowing and ready to roll.

More than anything else, I know that this brief lull ought to be as restorative as I need it to be. I have a lot I still want to say as a writer, and the more I experience, the more I want to say. I hope and expect to see my stories in print more and more in the future and to continue to chase that wonderful dream.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Remember the I free wrote on Fridays?

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