
Reading Stephen King’s fairy tale is like watching King write a kind of challenge to Neil Gaiman. It is almost like he’s saying, “This is how you do it, Son.” Though I don’t know that famous authors still have those sort of challenges in the air. I always thought I would be the writer to have those, and if I could find my path back to the beam so to speak, I would likely have those again. I’d like to challenge Martin and Erikson and Tolkein to a duel of fantasy world building and storytelling in which my Torathae utters the bark of “That’s how you do it, Son.” Down on through the ages until someone steps forward and challenges my own creation. I’d like to do that, but instead I’ve been sitting on my laurels watching the world move past.

Not doing is a drug.

I am largely composed of low hanging fruit and disappointment and failure to launch. I suppose it sucks so much to see it in my many children, because I largely see it as a reflection on myself. I haven’t shown much beyond a middling novel and a ton of RPG books that do okay. I haven’t bust out and been the shining example of what I’ve long hoped to become.

What will it take to become?

Some Thoughts:

  1. My money is on Georgia. Well, not actually. Not yet. I’ve considered spinning up the betting app, but that’s just bad practice.

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