
Finally watched Midnight in Paris. I’d long mistaken it for a film about a couple that meets on a train and it is absolutely not that. Instead it is a story about a man who roams the streets of France each night and is transported to the past where he meets the literary and Art Giants. It is an amazing thing he goes through and it reminds me of the very brief time I spent at university surrounded by writers and being a part of a working writing community. I don’t interact with a ton of novelists and don’t have the kind of discourse with those kind of artists that helps move my writing to the state I want it to be in. I’m not where I am at, and I don’t truly believe those sorts of communities exist near me.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Good weekend of football.
  2. Good weekend with the family.
  3. Bad weekend for writing.
  4. I’m trying to develop a playbook in madden I can really appreciate and enjoy. It hasn’t gone so well thus far. I have a ton of formations in my book that I never use, and I see that I need to thin out the book quite a bit. I am going to make a slim version that I hope to be able to use with fewer notes.

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