6.743. Reflections on a Monday Workday

Not a big idea day. Just have…

Some Thoughts:

  1. Do people forget how to see ghosts? People forget or never learn how to channel their own energies all the time. Is it so strange to think we may lose touch with our ability to feel energies beyond ourselves–perhaps even as a result?
  2. New update for the blog’s backend. Liking the new update and how it feels to write.
  3. Listening to Mr. Nightmare as I do this…
  4. I hate roaches
  5. I hate how messy my office is… though this has nothing to do with the roach comment above.
  6. More than anything, I hate how disorganized I am at present. I need that hard reset and nothing to do for a few weeks…
  7. The Lakers should trade LeBron and their Center. In fact, they ought to trade a lot of their talent away. Not Westbrook. Don’t lose the picks needed to trade Westbrook. Ride out the season with him and let him go–keep the money free for free agency and start fresh.
  8. If I win the Powerball, I’m definitely buying property internationally. I’d be interested in buying interest in a sports team as well…

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