
I find myself thinking of a wonderful passage a student once wrote about dust. I’m staring at my ceiling fan and considering the collected dust there and considering how that stillness could be a metaphor for how I conduct this rare and beautiful life. I have so many opportunities available to me and I find that, more often than not, I am waiting for.. something else? Something more? Carpe Diem ought to sit better with me. I have what I need to be successful right now and I have what I need to be creative right now, however, I am lazier than I have any good right to be. I have been since about 14.

It would take years of therapy to dissect how we got here. Suffice to say there is no going back. There is perhaps a way to rebuild and to make of me something of worth. What is it going to take to be focused on the writing and the exploration of the world on a more regular basis?

Some Thoughts:

  1. MarbleLeague is back! They’ve seemingly incorporated Jellotech into the proceedings. That company is, apparently, the name they are using to label the very dope marble tech they’ve developed for this amazing show.
  2. They also have great gear.
  3. Perhaps it is still true that one of the things I truly wish to develop is a league like this where it is very fun and fair and people can enjoy without the anger and blame largely associated with, well, everything else. House of Beys was my last shot at that. HoB was nearly 5 years ago…
  4. Gosh, how have I grown in five years?

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