6.751. Turnback Tuesday

The only way to get into a rhythm is to do what you are supposed to be doing–no hesitation, no I will do it tomorrow. So, I’m turning over a new leaf (pre Thanksgiving and New Year’s resolutions). I’m turning the clock way back to the original 1,000 posts: 838 to be precise. It was a politiblog where I discussed a $50 dollar bet a democrat made me that Obama would lose the election, as well as some nonsense that Rep. King said back in the day about rape and abortion. My how things have advanced. Abortion was struck down by the Supreme Court in a wave of right-leaning power mongering that eventually resulted in a Trump win. Now we’re seeing –and I mean EVERYONE– the self-serving nature of that false leader. It might actually be a very good thing. He might be powerful enough to make the right cannabalize itself and destabilize the powerful media engine that drives that party. Once upon a time it was okay to be a Republican and to have debates and differences of opinion. Now its about lock step and we are going to follow party platform to the end. However, Trump isn’t about party. He’s down for self, and DeSantis is a threat to that. I’m excited to see that clash on display and in the process Democrats might actually get stuff done.. for the first time since Obama won that election… and I won that bet.

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