7.3. Freewrite Friday

Sam wasn’t hungry that morning. Usually he’d go down to the store around the corner from work and have breakfast as he watched he co-workers stream into the office. He liked watching. He liked knowing everyone’s disposition before he got there, namely so he knew who to avoid. Usually Sandra and Kareem were the ones to avoid. They’d come in together. Well, not quite together. They would arrive a few steps behind each other with a regularity that suggested they did come together. Sam had begun to think they were a couple, or at least lived close enough that they took the same route. The way they struggled to avoid each other during work suggested the former. Sandra was never excited to be there, and even less excited to have to give orders to Kareem, who acted like he was taking them but then would do something–anything other than what she’d said to do, eventually wandering back to the appointed task and performing it with a high level of efficiency. That was the only thing that kept him from getting fired. Well, that and being Sandra’s lover, if that were the case.

Today he didn’t stop to eat. He decided he would be one of the first into the office. That didn’t mean he’d be one of the first out, unfortunately. Hours didn’t work that way. Still he’d been feeling off all morning and all he really wanted to do was sit down in front of his desk, flick on his monitor, and settle into another world.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Back to the free write! I don’t know what this story is or where it comes from and that is a good thing. It felt good to fire off something foreign.

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