7.4. Reflections on a Saturday Night

I’m blogging from my phone presently, because I just don’t want to go out there—maybe not again tonight. My oldest boy is watching the rediculist and it’s just too sad to see this man reduced to that—not on vacation but at home. We all tend to watch it on vacation at the beach after a wonderful day in the sun, but it’s just an escape—a sinking into hotel tv. It isn’t the thing you do at home.

honestly, I’m not quite sure what the thing he does at home is. That goes for all of the boys who engage in little more than gaming and call it a life. I remember my teens through twenties being better than this, but I’m an old head so maybe this is all there is.

last night my lady and I watched the new Julia’s Roberts movie. It was O K, but the key part for me was her repeated line, ‘why wait for tomorrow when you can do it now’ or something to that effect. I took that personally. I’m trying to get behind that philosophy, and so far it’s been going well. I’m getting things done. I am moving forward. Still not leaving this room though.

well… maybe later for pie

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