7.5. Reflections on a Sunday Night

Another eventful and productive Sunday. One of my boys are clapping, likely because the fantasy Gods have blessed him with a win over the other. This means I’ll have more to talk about on Wednesday as that league approaches parity. As the last game of the night rolls I sit and blog, thinking about the coming week. I’m looking forward to it–namely because it begins the last few sessions of class for the semester. I’m happy to see it end and happy to be moving to a fresh start. It will be one that comes on the heels of a thrilling international vacation and the start of this next wonderful phase of my life. So, 7 is truly becoming 7 now. I look forward to what the next 1000 will bring.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Building a bed frame/box spring is hard work.
  2. I need to keep doing stuff like that and keep challenging my brain or it will absolutely erode.

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