7.22. Waiver Wednesday

NFL.com likes to make a lot of lists this time of the year: 6 most burdened defenses, 8 teams most likely to make the playoffs, 11 expectations for the end of the season… None of them are particularly creative or informative. In essence it feels like they put these out each week, looking at the prior week as an independent universe of variables and failing to make sense of what is going on from a seasonal standpoint. Moreover, all the glee about the overachieving Giants has pestered out entirely. While nobody is directly calling for Daboll’s job, his offensive competency is being openy questioned This today’s NFL, your problems are settled on Sunday TV. In order for the Giants to settle theirs, the need to look to outscoring the Niners–no matter what the list says.

I think they can do it. I also think they lock up a win in the final week against the Eagles. The team should be approaching healthy by then, and as with the Cowboys game, they’ll have a better answer to the pass rush. It all starts (or ends) with a win over the Commanders are home. My money is on the Giants.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Date Night at the French Caberet

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