7.23. Thursday in Rome

I don’t do well with languages that are not English. I don’t do well when someone asks for help and I cannot help. Put those things together and you’ll quickly understand why I froze up when the old lady asked me a question in French on the way to the airport this morning. It was a collision of my worst nightmares. At one point on this journey (perhaps two or three) I literally froze up when someone started speaking to me in a foreign tongue and I could not understand or responded incorrectly. Here I am with an old woman asking for help and I’m left to guess if she is asking is this the last stop on the train. It was, so I said it was, but quickly realized she may have also been asking if this is the terminal for the airport. Fortunately both were true. Thus began my journey to Rome.

Rome is not like Paris. My partner is discovering that she loves the Italian food and style on a near genetic level, so this place is a better fit for her. It suits me as well thus far, with the nicer people and the general sense that everything is going to be okay. I like that feel and fall into it quite easily. I’m falling into Rome easily and quickly, with intentions to reach Vatican City in the morning.

Any fantasy author should make this pilgrimage. I believe this, and the wall @ Mecca are touchstones for all the stories fantasy strives to share. So I’m making my first pilgrimage. I am incredibly excited to see the City of God and take in more of the sights of Rome. It is a very old city and history seeps through its pores.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Finally experienced turn down service.

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