7.450. Waiver Wednesday

I’ve been following a twitter account by Rich Obert. He’s a reporter for the AZ Central news website that covers local sports. He is also their guy for ranking players. 60 into the top freshman and I haven’t seen my kid. 100 into the top 150 upcoming seniors and I haven’t seen a few of the kids I know to be incredible players and playmakers from back in the day. It makes me wonder where he is getting his info.

Twitter (X), as I noted previously, is a dangerous place. Just take a look at the bottom right corner announcing what is trending. Right now that’s 218K posts that are about Guilty and 24K with the hastag SwiftiesforPalestine. The digital wilds out here for real. So I say this to argue that you cannot fully trust what drops on Twitter. Still, this is the only guy out here making these lists and being treated with gravitas, so what it is happens to be what it is. In other words, we gotta get on the list to get buzz.

One thing I’ve learned over the past 8 years is that the buzz is key. Colleges want good players. Colleges do their homework. Colleges only have time to see the people who catch their eye. Whether or not these accounts and these tourneys and all the off-season noise is enough to create a buzz is still unknown to me. What I do know is that you need to get the right people talking about you. I’ve yet to figure out how to make that happen for my kid. As a result, he is still an unknown.

Maybe it is for the best. Maybe he isn’t completely ready to be the guy yet.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Dealing with some legit nerve issues in my neck that have me going tingly or even numb in places. Quite uncomfortable.
  2. Completely off the subject, I loaded up Starfield and noticed some legit improvements. Might slide back in for a bit.
  3. Also, why do dogs piss on outdoor furniture. You know we trying to sit on that!

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