803. Eight ‘O Three

This will be the second time I make this post. The first fell victim to the sticky hands of a three year old boy. He erased the post ‘accidentally’. A lot of accidents popped up in the hours following my arrival. It leads to the conclusion that they do cause more problems when both parents are around. I thought the distance might reset me, which it did partially. But their speedy return to negative behavior highlights a need to be recognized–for good or worse, and I know that I need to stay aware of that before tumbling into the old routines that did us no good to begin with.

I am being reflective.
Everything I tell you about learning and writing winds back to that idea of being reflective. Reflection is a huge part of meta-cognition, which means thinking about how you think, and even thinking about what it means to think at all. Trust me, there is no universally accepted definition of what thinking is.

Some thoughts:
1. This morning my boys were talking about the past and one remarked to the other, “you weren’t alive yet.” I listened to that and thought about what that meant. What were we before we were alive. If it is true that matter cannot be created nor destroyed then we existed in some state, even if it means we were not us.

2. Sleepy. It is too early to sleep, but the desire is there. Maybe I will just lay here for a while…

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