1046. Reflections on a Monday Night

I’m starting this post about a half hour after getting home from the first day back to work after the break. I decided to ease in slowly to the work return, as my students are best served by a gradual return. Getting home after work I discovered that elementary instructors do not share my philosophy. The kids were riled up and overwhelmed my over-tired wife. I’m certain at some point she will up and go to the gym, most probably right around bedtime–the most disruptive time available. Of course, I should ask her to go earlier. That would alleviate a great deal of marital stress. That kind of stress is a negative in my relationship, but the main drama has to be caring for kids.

No, it isn’t the kids. As I said in the last post, the problem is having real world responsibilities while having kids of an age where they don’t appreciate that there is a world outside of the involvement that I have with them.

Having that outside life is becoming more of a priority with me. I enjoy these people I work with, and I want to find a way to spend more time with them. There needs to be a balance between me-time, work-time, work-friends time, wife time, family, etc. Finding that balance is big business. It is how life coaches make such a good living.

Some Thoughts:

  1. In a decade I’ll have to mark these posts like star dates. 3701 doesn’t sound like a realistic number, but in 10 years from today that will be about the number of posts I’ve made and # of days, counting back to the beginning, that I’ve posted.
  2. My fingers are so long and weighty that when I type the first word of a sentence I often find that the first TWo letters are capitalized and then I need to go back and fix the sentence.
  3. The war between my two younger kids threatens to destroy the world. They act as if this is the immortal struggle between Lex Luthor and Superman. It is not. In fact, it is a silly recurring feud over who gets more attention.
  4. Talis Out.


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