4.341. Preparing to Write

I wanted to write the second of these 10 minute Covid tales, but I am not at the point where I know what story I want to tell. Instead I am going to let you in behind the scenes of how my brain works.

Stories for me are always about what I observe and what I am going through. I am observing what everyone else is right now: I am watching the country look at itself and try to pledge to change systemic racism. I strongly suspect there is a correlation between this and the number of people stuck at home and or laid off during Covid and frantic to do something. This is a cause they can get behind and feel good about.

On the me side I have not been feeling physically well and that is grinding down my mental side. I want to write about that concept–how physical energy can impact the mental. There is a spiraling affect that happens there and I can tell you first hand it is aided by the 24 hr news cycle.

Some Thoughts:

  1. If you are on the so-called left you are supposed to think and feel one way. If you are on the so-called right you are supposed to think and feel the other way. This binary thinking leads to zero sum outcomes that fail to reflect the reality of human thought.
  2. I suppose core to the above is the question: Who is making these decisions and designing the parameters of the zero sum game? Why are we letting them? Are we letting them mostly by not caring enough for the nuance to normalize the idea of nuance? It has been this way since roughly 1852, which marks the start of the binary styled presidency.
  3. I suspect, based on this, the next ‘in threes’ story is going to be able to explosion of political parties that are not aligned with the major two. That is coming for sure.

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