
I read a post on twitter the other day picking at Kamala Harris for posting a photo of herself this weekend and saying have a great weekend off. The anger was directed at her lack of deference to the military in her post and her apparent vanity at posting a picture of herself. My first thought was, wow, you people are really two-faced reachers who hold democrats to an entirely different set of standards. My second thought was, are you a politician? yes. Yes it was a politician who is deeply invested in the new right–the anger first initiative that seems wholly predicated on an unspoken principle of white supremacy. The poster was a cuban-American, which means he is a man who enjoyed a certain level of privilege from the moment his feet touched American soil. That is the quiet trick there, isn’t it? Cubans don’t have to worry about immigration. They just get in at the front of the line as soon as they get here–no matter how they came here. In fact, despite the fact that Cubans almost always arrive illegally, they are not treated with the callousness of other so-called illegals. That to me reeks of a double standard and highlights the highly selective nature of our systems.

In other words, this is a rant about people and philosophies constructed on principles that are less about the people and more about ‘some people’ and are masked behind loud anger and double standards. To wit, I wonder what would’ve happened in the million man march or any black lives matter sourced event decided to raid the capital building. There wouldn’t only be a commission, but laws would be passed to weaken the ability of such groups to gather.

We are a nation of fear and we are afraid of the things the media reinforces us to be afraid of. That is why a black man is seen as frightening, a muslim man is seen as suspect, and hispanic and latin American boys are viewed largely as gang members in training if not gang members outright.

This is a blog to call out Fox News. This is a blog to call out CNN. This is especially for the OANs of the world who prey on people who have no reason to be afraid of people not like them, but live entirely in fear of such folk.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Sorry, just needed to get that out of my system. I watch this kind of stuff happen all the time and watch my kids, half of whom are black and asian, be indoctrinated to this style of thinking every single day they are not with me. I’m tired of it.

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