
I discovered a new youtube channel, thanks to my mid kid. This one is about 911 calls with often terrifying stories or backstories. Here is an example:

So, yeah, the kids listen to some really weird and creepy stuff. It is enough to remind me of how close to the edge all of us probably are. The more I listen to these stories and hold them up against the daily crazy spilled across the major news media, the more I think we are not heading in the right direction as an American society. We are seriously screwed. We are also oddly resilient and have an ability to go into a different mode during these moments. The raw depth of human feeling and unfeeling in these moments is what draws me. It all feels like the kind of thing I should be trying to channel and question in some of the writing I do.

Humanity is crazy. People are really and truly crazy. Through all of this we work hard to find some happiness and peace and truth and companionship in our own lives and often we fail at that. Sometimes we succeed.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Still not right. Still not back. Still banging away at the novel and trying hard to keep my head right. I considered pulling an allnighter and just banging out the rest of this novel, but I don’t think it is going to go down like that. Still, tomorrow it should be done. Monday for proofing…

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