6.199. Bloganovella Chapter 23

It didn’t take long for me to decide I’d screwed up the job something extra awful. The guards were tearing out of the building in search of the man I was sent to protect and he was wearing nothing but a medical smock and a bad attitude. He’d probably get picked up by NYPD INC. and placed into the system as a crazy or a homeless person unless he came to his senses long enough to explain the situation. I’d be better off not being here when that happened. I had a few close friends in the NYPD but a lot more enemies who had the power and the resolve to put me behind bars so thick I couldn’t fit my hands around them.

It didn’t take me much longer to recognize that a near-naked Choi meant that his clothes along with any possible clues were still here. I stood up, ignoring the looks of confusion and derision from the handful of nurses stationed all around me, and moved quickly to the room where I first heard Choi screaming. Sure enough his stuff was there. I gathered everything I could, not stopping to look through any of it. Then I dashed back to my room where my clothes and confused Doctor were waiting.

“Sorry, Doc. I’m going to postpone. Things have gotten a bit complicated on my end.”

The doctor was standing with commlink in hand, likely sending a message to NYPD. That made it all the more important that I left immediately. I rushed to put on my clothes as he stood there staring but not saying anything. Then I ran as fast as I could towards the back of the building, hoping they were up to code and there was indeed a back way out of there.

Indeed there was. I cracked open the door with a quick peek for flashing lights. Finding none I pushed through and ran down the alley towards the one part of the city I knew would be a safe place to hide, if only for a little while.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I’m having fun with the story. It doesn’t make a ton of sense, but arguably most on the fly drafts don’t—especially if written chapter by chapter within a ten minute window. It is a dream to continue this and make this a fundamental part of the blog. I’m about stories and storytelling and this is a fun way to get my wiggles out while working on larger things.
  2. I’m hoping to do more and more of those larger things as I recognize how to best manage the hours of the day I devote to my craft as I move through life. Writing is a priority. While not the only one it is a major one and above almost everything else.
  3. As I am scheduling the words I am realizing how much I can really get done when I put my butt in the chair.

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