6.232. Reflections on a Tuesday Night

late Tuesday eve and I am blogging from the phone because I didn’t get it done in the office earlier in the day. I didn’t get a lot of what I wanted done today but I do feel like I made progress. I got a little bit off my plate and found myself a step closer to creating a mental schedule that makes sense. Now I need to execute and get on page with what I need to be doing every day and not slipping back into the land of not writing…

of course I am also blogging from bed so…

it feels like I have a lot of loose threads being tugged and in need to tie them up as I roll into the first week of classes. I’m not properly excited for the school stuff—largely because I am not properly prepared. I expect to get the office back in shape tomorrow and then sketch out a schedule where I can be productive and have the time with my partner and family I want and even carve out a little me time that isn’t writing—read: game

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