6.260. Turnback Tuesday

This week my spelunking led me back to a post in July where I actually referred to myself as the Engine Eternal. The sheer bravado of the statement is breathtaking. Seriously? Who did I assume I was in all of this? Meanwhile today I am watching a family literally collapse around me like a wave, once cresting and frothing now fading back into the sea. So yeah, I’m no Engine that could. I’m feeling more like the Engine that if only I could.

Might want to chalk this blog post up to longstanding negativity about a continuous social and personal decline. There isn’t much to say here and I’ve spent way too much of my ten brooding over what I would and eventually did say.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Yes, I am fully aware I call it Turnback Tuesday merely as a way to sound different than throwback Thursday.

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