6.261. Waiver Wednesday

No, I didn’t skip the blog yesterday. I once again failed to hit to publish button the appropriate number of times. What’s this a dozen times now? The feature is long past new, so I guess I’m just slow to react to things. Call it a side effect of getting old, poor emotional elasticity, and flat out being over-extended. I’m going to blame that unholy trio of factors for why I pooped the bed so dramatically in this opening week of fantasy football.

Out of three leagues I won once–I was even the high scorer in that league. The rest? Not so much. My assumptions were questioned about as much as Daniel Jones was following my losses. I fumbled in one league, starting two players I shouldn’t have only to see the ones I pulled score far more and one of the ones I did play get knocked out for the season. Raheem, if you are reading this, I’m sorry it went down like that for you. This felt like your year.

Is it still my year on any level? That does remain to be seen. So much depends upon a red-suited QB, glazed with sweat beside the cheetah. If that goes well, the season might as well. If not, well, who knows.

No major picks today. I’ll save that work for tomorrow.

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