6.694. The one about Minecraft

So I went a little crazy recently in playing Minecraft. I found myself in a situation where I lost all the gear I’d worked so hard for and all the resources I was working to get and my one good map. The items were irretrievable. So, after long pondering, I opted to cheat. I didn’t just stop at gear replacement. I loaded up on stuff so that I could create a city the way I wanted. It felt dirty but I did it. Then remorse climbed into my heart. Not remorse exactly but the idea that this was a tainted game—by slipping into creative I can no longer get achievements in that world. I’m not exactly in it for the achievements but I still feel the heat of the cheat.

I was in it to build this town on my own and I didn’t do that. As a result I am left with a town that is a lie. So I’m taking a few days off of playing in order to decide how to move forward.

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