6.693. The one about fitness

I feel physically weak. I feel it in my arms. I lack the power relative to my size. This is a dark revelation. On the near side of 50 I need to get right before I cannot.

50. Jesus that’s old. I didn’t recognize how old I was until this moment. My kids talk about 30 as washed up and I left that behind two decades ago. Last nights turkey bowl found me out of gas incredibly fast and that too is a sign that this old heart doesn’t work so good under duress. I need to stop thinking like a 12 year old and start preparing for the next half of my life by getting my health right. While my eating habits have improved, my physical stamina and physical training regimens is non existent. I need to do more than walk at this point. I need to hit that 50 before it hits me.

tough task to be sure, but the first step is acceptance. I accept that I am old. Now, what the hell do we do about it?

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