7.566. Reflections on a Monday Night

Well, yesterday I talked about being burned out and needing to get organized. Today I started getting a list together. It feels like each novel destroys me for a little while and I am left adrift by the shift from constant daily work and deadlines to not that at all. It comes with a level of stress, but it comes with a much higher level of joy. I do in fact have stuff due right now, but I haven’t been fired up to write any of it. I need to get down to working and get back to being in the moment and in the rhythm of the moment. I also need to learn how to spell rhythm without butchering it to the point that spell checks is like “what the heck is even that?!”

It is about the stakes, but it is more about the directions. I am best when I know where a story or project is going and my monkey brain just has to make it pretty. However, since I am in the making the outline stages, stuff is very hard and demanding and encourages me to slough off. So I do… mostly. In truth I churn in out in my subconscious and wait for a door to open to the particular universe where that story came from so I can watch it unfold in real time. I’m more of a reporter than writer after a fashion. Yet until I get that Blake Crouch-esque door propped open, I am a mess. I am messy. I am often aimless in appearance. I need to lock it in faster. I’m certain this is not the first time I’ve said this. Maybe the next book ought to be a sci-fi fantasy about actually doing it.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Been thinking about the concept of syncretism. I really think this idea has permeated much of modern religion. Perhaps I should call them social religions because the fundamental tenets are hardly there own. The more I look the more I see how much is borrowed from somewhere else. Teaching mythology has jaded me a bit on the concept of differentiated religions.
  2. Fantasy football is a crap show.
  3. The kid with the busted hand is trying to cast it up and play anyhow. Man, he’s really got that FOMO.