2.15: All Today’s Parties

Call. Coffee. Post.

Last month I took a look at my responsibilities and was pleasantly surprised at how little was on my plate. Not that there were no tasks to be accomplished but how little I chose to make an active part of my life left a ton of time to just be. Turns out I needed just a bit more to do. More specifically, I needed–need a better way to use that downtime.

What I’m getting at is… I watch a lot of bad TV. I suppose I could make an argument for watching bad TV as a way to understand good story, but that is just arguing for the sake of covering things up. No, I watch trash. In fact, I stayed up till two in the morning last night watching Popstar and I know this isn’t the first time I’ve seen it. I could’ve been reading Beacon 23, one of the latest releases from Hugh Howey. In truth, I could’ve been doing my own Howey–creating maverick stories in my bedroom and releasing them into the world on my terms.

What I’m getting at is… The infinite nature of time is an illusion. It is also a comfort. I put off to tomorrow the important work of today because there is going to be a tomorrow where I can actually buckle down and work. This allows me to slough off the burden of today in order to ‘recharge’ for tomorrow.

What I’m getting at is… Tomorrow is illusory. Today is the last moment you are guaranteed for anything, so each day ought to be optimized to make the best use of it. Patience is good, but don’t wait forever. Don’t wait so long that you wake up old, fat, and sad having not accomplished a single thing.

What I’m getting at is… Today is a gift. unwrap it with the joy you had as a kid on your birthday or christmas or the first time you went to the park.