I do not have a thing to say today. So, I am going to write as much as I can about as much that comes to mind as humanly possible. The other day I gave a reading and one of the questions after was about the concept of writer’s block. They asked how to deal with it. I’m dealing with it right now. I am just sitting in this chair and letting the words move through me with the hopes that something of value comes to mind to share with the greater world. So far, nothing. Still, if I can get out one impactful sentence then I’ve done something. It is enough to say that you got something down each day. That was the other thing I said about writer’s block: you need to write through it. You need to put that butt in that chair and stare at that keyboard until you make your hands move. Then you keep moving them as the words come out. Not all of it will be good. Most of it will be this. Still, some of it will be a line or a phrase or a particular matching of words that means something. That’s when you know you are starting to break through.
Do not stop. Keep going. Keep pushing through until the end of the time limit. It feels to me like I write more when I don’t think about what I am trying to say and just let the words and phrases move through me. That is why I can go from a post that is 34 words to a post that is 450 or more. When I was younger I had this knack for drawing out all of this creative stuff. It was like I had a billion ideas and nothing but time to get it all down. I have a job and kids and the Lady Talis now, and as such none of that empty time is filled with words or creating ideas in my mind. I really do think that there is something magical there though. I really believe that if we can capture that freedom of youth–that mental state of not giving a damn about the heavy realities of bills and I gotta work tomorrow, then we can focus in on the fantastic.
This is not to say that you cannot have things going on and write. I was a dang demon in college. I’d spit out volumes in class. I’d be writing in the linings of my textbook, drawing story from the knowledge the teachers were trying to contextualize in so many other ways that I did not connect with. I think that this too is a pathway towards creativity. The subconscious marinates on stuff. It develops amazing connections between the weirdest things. Let it. Clear your mind. Let the part of it you don’t focus on help you figure out the stuff you do.
Some Thoughts:
- A read an opinion piece by a clearly republican writer that tried to explain how Trump doing the McD’s but was political magic. He went so far to try to reassociate the trump weirdness as a good thing, saying America is weird. Nah, man. Not like that. Quit acting like this dude is of the people. He’s famous, and he is beloved because enough influencers in the lives of the people who follow (worship) him told them to love him. They all drank the sauce. I didn’t. Bro is a huckster. He is seen and he is dangerously thin-skinned. I’m out on Trump.