7.601. Reflections on a Monday Afternoon

I am officially fed up with all of the politics. What it boils down to for me is the sad reality that Trump can say or do anything he want and it isn’t disqualifying, but our democratic candidate is having to watch her words and behave in a fashion where she is constantly on the defense for everything. That is not fair. Nothing about this is fair–especially the constant refrain of “we will accept a fair election.” We already know you think this election is rigged. You’ve said it over and over again to the tune of dozens of active lawsuits before the ballots are even counted and before election day even happens. So, what do I think–what have I been programmed to think–will happen? Violence. On a scale we haven’t seen in our lifetimes. Someone will be killed during this process and I expect a lot of someones will be killed if Trump doesn’t win.

They have all but stated they won’t accept it. Let’s be clear, you cannot say the things you say and then hide behind the veil of ‘those were not my exact words!’ or ‘you are taking my exact words out of context!’ or ‘you don’t get when I am joking’ well we know you are not joking. We know that this is the next stage in a very long process of subverting the rules of American governance in order to be able to rewrite the rules of American governance to ensure this smaller party remains in power while they work to figure out how to once again become the popular majority. It sucks. It makes me think I am going to need to leave the USA in the next few months on a permanent basis (or at least for the next 8-12 years while this shit gets sorted). Why leave and not fight? Because I don’t exist in a place where I can fight and stay on my feet. I can fight from afar–settled with my family safe and the rules of interracial marriage intact.

Things are getting very scary here and the ones who are shouting are merely echoing the nonsensical party lines they see on partisan TV. Fox and its even more to the right ilk are the problem, because they warp things with fear and fail to even attempt to tell the truth. If I watched for too long I’d be scared too. But scared of what? Nothing real.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I’ve resorted to wearing noise cancelling headphones in my office to avoid being distracted by the constant blah blah of the TV outside of the space. How much more can I ask a kid hard of hearing to turn the thing down? I think the real stressor is that the co-existence of a person trying to work from home and one who doesn’t work at all is difficult… on the worker.